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Kelly Campbell_edited.png

Kelly Campbell

Years in the industry: 17

Where was she before coming into the industry: Health Food & Supplement Industry

Favorite part of working in the industry:  I began my career at No-Burn, Inc. fresh out of college.  I value the opportunities of personal and professional growth throughout my years with the company and industry.  This industry has endless opportunities.  I cherish all of the relationships that have been built with other SPF industry professionals, and I enjoy the family atmosphere at events and meetings.

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: 

When you are walking into something difficult, don’t talk yourself out of it, talk yourself into it.  Remind yourself that you are capable.  A confident and capable woman is a force to be reckoned with, especially when there is a group of us!

Rachel Perry - IDI Distributors - insulation

Rachel Perry

Years in the industry: 7.5

Where was she before coming into the industry: Hospitality - Restaurant Manager

Favorite part of working in the industry: I am a competitive person so I love working with PM's on large technical building envelope jobs, being able to give them the answers and support they need, and getting the PO. It makes me very proud to be a successful woman in a male dominated industry. I hope that more women will come into this field, it is so much fun and I think women are superb at multi tasking and keeping calm under pressure.

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: Don't be intimidated if you are the only woman in the room because you are probably one of the smartest there. 

Chelsea Meissner

Chelsea Meissner

Years in the industry: 14

Where was she before coming into the industry: Home Automation and Security 

Favorite part of working in the industry: 

The relationships and the people! I’ve had customers that have turned into lifelong friends!! 

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: 

 Keep Learning… education is key. Stay Humble! Be Kind! 


Candace Lord - The Green Cocoon - insulation

Candace Lord

Years in the industry: 12

Where was she before coming into the industry: Personal trainer/Linguistics translator

Favorite part of working in the industry: I love people! My favorite part is the people. I love meeting customers and educating them so that they feel confident and informed in their decisions. I also really love the education part- not just with customers but with builders and architects. I enjoy giving presentations on building science and high-performance insulation!

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: Get educated. There is so much information out there in terms of building science and construction.  Keeping up to date with that along with codes helps you separate yourself from the competition. Part of what makes me so successful is my knowledge. People reach out with questions all the time because they know I will give them an honest and educated answer. When a client has a complicated or detail-oriented project the will call me because they know my company has the knowledge and expertise to handle the most complicated of projects! 

Karen - MRS Sprayfoam - Insulation

Karen Wikert

Years in the industry: 6 on the roofing side; 2 on interior foam

Where was she before coming into the industry: Medical field - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant 

Favorite part of working in the industry: My favorite part of the insulation trade, specifically spray foam, would be the people. I really don’t believe there’s another industry where there’s more people that care and want to help each other grow.

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: 

Join SFWW and the SPFA as well as attend the events.The knowledge and networking opportunities are priceless. The Spray Foam World Wide party that kicks off the conference is a must! One of the best nights of my life! 

Chelsea Deguzman - IDI Distributors - insulation

Chelsea DeGuzman

Years in the industry: 4.5 

Where was she before coming into the industry: MBA/Collegiate Athlete

Favorite part of working in the industry: I truly love that I have met so many amazing people that are from the insulation world. I have met people that are now great customers, friends, and even a few mentors. Whether they are brand new or have decades of experience, I have yet to meet one person in the industry that isn't eager to teach or learn, to better the community. Those that have the knowledge are always willing to share and train those that don't. "A rising tide lifts all boats."

Advice for those interested in getting into the industry: Don't be afraid to ask questions. There is no shame in not knowing something and more importantly, admitting that you don't know something. 


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